Sing Me My Songs

Just Take the Emptiness [After Rilke]

I've been going back, back and back again to You Tube especially just for this: Just Take the Emptiness [After Rilke] -- a deeply beautiful music and lyric by Paul Sonnenberg. Thanx, Paul for sharing your songs, your heart. May you find fullness after the emptiness... or in the emptiness...

Just Take the Emptiness [After Rilke]
By Paul Sonnenberg

If I were to cry out, who would hear me?
Surely not you, and surely not the angels;
And even if an angel came down to hold me to her
Surely I'd be crushed beneath her wings...

Every creature knows that we are not at home here
As we rush to shape the world to our design.
Do the angels know that we are on our own here
Searching for something we never find?

If I were to walk out among the birches
And listen to the song they whisper to the night
Would I hear my name there
Or just a language that I could never hope to comprehend?

If I could just take the emptiness I hold within my arms
And cast it to the wind,
Perhaps the birds would fly with more affection
Just take the loneliness I carry in my heart
And let it go...
Let it go...

If I were to tell you the dreams that haunt me
Would you understand, or turn and leave me shattered?
And even if you heard me, what could you tell me?
For you are just as blind as I am blind.

Every creature knows that we are not at home here
As we rush to shape the world to our design.
Do the angels know that we are on our own here
Searching for something we'll never find?

If we could just take the emptiness we hold within our arms
And cast it to the wind,
Perhaps the birds would fly with more affection
Just take the loneliness we carry in our hearts
And let it go...
Let it go.

You're not an angel, you're not a spirit in the night
But you can touch me...
Why don't you touch me?

Just take the emptiness you hold within your arms
And cast it to the wind,
Perhaps the birds will fly with more affection
Just take the loneliness you carry in your heart
And let it go...
Let it go.

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