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- August 2008
![Just Take the Emptiness [After Rilke]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MowVHfLkoZU/VhgIRyPbIoI/AAAAAAAATtE/qHST4Q2YCCc/s1600/placeholder-image.jpg)

Just Take the Emptiness [After Rilke]
I've been going back, back and back again to You Tube especially just for this: Just Take the Emptiness [After Rilke] -- a deeply beauti... Baca Lirik lagu | Read Song lyric »

Here By My Window
Music & Lyric By Paul Sonnenberg Here by my window Waiting for the sun I've grown tired of the darkness The day's begun. Watchin... Baca Lirik lagu | Read Song lyric »

Leo Kristi... Lagi
Nyanyian Fajar (1975) 1. Lengganglenggung badai lautku 2. Nyanyian Maria 3. Dideretan rel-rel 4. Beludru sutera dusunku 5. O Danae 6. Oh Sur... Baca Lirik lagu | Read Song lyric »

Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi
Je veux chanter avec vous... Vous qui cherchez l'etoile Vous qui vivez un reve Vous heros de l'espace Au coeur plus grand que la ter... Baca Lirik lagu | Read Song lyric »

When Butterflies Leave
When butterflies leave their silk palaces The scent of the garden blows towards Heaven's way. Like the toils of man, Those who wo... Baca Lirik lagu | Read Song lyric »

Reflections of My Life
Reflections of My Life by The Marmalade The changing of sunlight to moonlight Reflections of my life, oh, how they fill my eyes The greetin... Baca Lirik lagu | Read Song lyric »

Berita Cuaca - Gombloh
lestari alamku lestari desaku dimana Tuhanku menitipkan aku nyanyi bocah-bocah di kala purnama nyanyikan pujaan untuk nusa damai saudaraku s... Baca Lirik lagu | Read Song lyric »